
Online After School Enrichment Classes

Winter 2024-2025
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Winter 2024-2025

Chess For Kids – High Intermediate Level 

winter program

Chess For Kids – High Intermediate Level

Chess For Kids – High Intermediate Level

Instructor: Pacific Chess Academy Instructor
Grade Level: 1 – 5
Sessions: 10 x 1 hour
Day/Dates: Tuesday – Dec 10, 17 | Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 | Feb 4, 11, 18, 25
Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Place: via Pacific Chess website
Tuition: $165

Course Description:

The virtual Master Chess Class is offered to kids with a good understanding of chess tactics and basic knowledge of chess strategy. The 10-week course teaches advanced students how to improve their playing skills, find right solutions in difficult positions, and read their opponents’ mind.

The online chess program is as close to teaching in-person as possible: lessons are interactive, fun and instructional; teachers and students communicate with each other the same way they do while teaching at schools.

The real-time chess board allows high quality presentation of various themes; kids can make moves, play against each other, challenge the coach, solve puzzles and play tournament games!

They receive assignments to practice at home, and can review all their games in order to improve playing skills.

Students must have a laptop or computer with video and audio capabilities so they can see and speak with the instructors.

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We are here to help. Please contact us with questions or feedback.


(925) 587-5610

Angela Clifford

Program & Marketing Director

(925) 587-5614
[email protected]

Lillian Radwan

Office Administrator

(925) 587-5611
[email protected]