This year, Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE) is happy to award four scholarships totaling $7,000 to graduating seniors in the Dublin Unified School District. For the 4th year in a row, DPIE awarded two Dublin High graduates a $2,500 Edy Coleman Service Scholarship recognizing each of them for academic excellence and outstanding records of community service. This year’s winners are Adora Wen and Siya Pun.
In 2021, DPIE created the Haggerty Nursing, Paramedic and EMT Scholarship and awarded Syra Awan and Jordan Acebedo, two deserving Dublin High School graduates $1,000 each. Below are our 2021 winners!
Adora Wen

Adora, who never received a grade lower than an “A-“ in her four years of high school while taking 12 Advanced Placement courses, is headed to UC Berkeley in the fall and will major in Economics and Mathematics.
Among her many achievements, Adora served as an intern in Senator Steven Glazer’s office, founded a non-profit that provided 13,000 free lessons in academics, art and athletics, served as President of the California Scholastic Federation at Dublin High, volunteered to help feed the homeless at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco and piloted the Oakland Zoo Viejo Creek Restoration project. Those are just a few examples of the community service work she was involved in during her time in high school.
Siya Pun (pictured above with Sobia Qureshi)
Siya is also an academically oriented student who maintained a GPA well above 4.0 while taking a very challenging academic program at Dublin High. Siya is headed to UC Davis in the fall where she will major in Global Diseases Biology and then pursue a career in Public Health, so she can help make the world a better and safer place for people.
During her time at Dublin High, she served as a freshman mentor, participated in the Biomedical Academy, the Sikh Honors & Service Society, the US Department of State Virtual Language program, the Girls Exploring Technology & Engineering program and while in her environmental science class, she created a solution to reduce 25% of plastic waste on the Dublin High campus.
Syra Awan & Jordan Acebedo

Both Syra and Jordan had excellent academic success while at Dublin High and both have identified health care and nursing as careers they want to pursue in college and beyond. Both cited the desire to make a difference in the lives of others as their primary motivation for moving into the medical field.

Syra will be attending school at UC Merced in the fall while Jordan has not yet decided which of several different universities he will attend.
“There are so many outstanding students in the Dublin School District and it is DPIE’s honor to recognize the academic achievement of students in our community and to support their efforts to further their education. We are very proud of all the kids who applied for our scholarships and the difference they’ve made in our community. We are excited to help them along the way.”
DPIE Board President, Sobia Qureshi
The Edy Coleman Scholarship
The Edy Coleman was a long-time member of the DPIE Board member and served as past President until her passing in 2017. The Edy Coleman Scholarship was created by the DPIE Board of Directors in honor Edy’s long-time service to DPIE and the Dublin community. She is remembered as a heartfelt friend, a beautiful woman inside and out, and for her selfless dedication to serving the community at large. She understood that not all lessons are taught in the classroom and when you pursue a life of service, you often receive more than you give. This scholarship is the best way to honor Edy’s memory.
The Haggerty Nursing, Paramedic and EMT Scholarship
This scholarship is given in honor of former District 1 Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty who served in his position as County Supervisor for 24 years and made it possible for us to fund this scholarship for many years to come. He has great respect for men and women who work on the front lines every day to save lives. With his generous support DPIE offered two $1,000 scholarships to graduating seniors in the Dublin Unified School District.