Career & College Exploration

Helping Students Find Their Path

Career Exploration – Middle School (Grade 8)
We provide grant money to our middle schools in support of Career Exploration Day. Each middle school arranges for dynamic speakers from various degrees to come and speak to 8th graders. Generally this event occurs before they select their classes for high school to help them consider various educational paths available to them.
Click here read more about the 2019 Career Fair at Wells Middle School.
PSAT Testing for All High School Students – (Grade 9, 10, 11)
As explained by Principal of Dublin High School, Maureen Bryne, “Having students take the test starting Freshman year, creates a college going culture from day one. We want students to have as many opportunities as possible. Some of our students may not go to college, but we want that to be their choice, not their only option.”

After taking the test, students are provided the option to sign for free tutoring through Khan Academy, which help them focus on the sections they need to improve. Thus giving them the opportunity to increase their performance on subsequent tests.
Providing the test to all students, allows our high school administrators and counselors the ability to look at trends in student performance across all students.Highlighting areas to address as well as opportunities for additional challenges, specifically AP Potential. Administration receives a report which highlights students who could do well in an AP classes.