Policies and Procedures

Below are protocols sent to us from EDCC for students who are enrolled in After School classes and activities as at August 2023.  Please check with your EDCC Director for clarification on any of the below protocols.

ALL EDCC STUDENTS - must have a completed Parent Consent Form to be able to attend a DPIE After School class.  A new form is required for all new seasons.  Please contact your EDCC School Site Director for their specific school form.

  1. All students MUST check in at EDCC before they go to their after-school class except at Murray.  Murray EDCC students must report directly to their DPIE teacher, and the teacher will call EDCC to let them know the child is there due to ongoing construction at this site. 

  2. Kindergarten students MUST be walked over to the class by an EDCC teacher if ratios allow, an after-school class teacher or an authorized adult who will also sign them out on the margin or back of the sign-in sheet. 

  3. Parents can arrange prior to class, to have an authorized adult come and pick up their child and sign them out and then drop them back off after class.

  4. 1st - 5th Graders will be allowed to walk back from their after school class unless their parent has arranged for another adult to drop them off.

  5. EDCC staff is not required to pick up students from their after school classes, the parent must arrange who will drop-off their Kindergarten student from their class ahead of time.

  6. Parents must let EDCC know who will be dropping off and picking up their child for the after school class.

  7. EDCC teachers will sign the students in from their after school class once they arrive at EDCC, unless the adult/teacher agrees to sign them in.

EDCC Contact Information 

Amador Elementary

Cottonwood Creek K-8 

Dougherty Elementary 

Dublin Elementary 

Fredericksen Elementary 

Green Elementary 

Kolb Elementary 

 Murray Elementary 

If your student attends a DPIE After School class ..

    When registering for a class, PLEASE remember to select "EDCC" on the question of "How your child will be picked up at the end of class".

    • Our instructors will pick up Kindergarten students at EDCC.
    • At the end of the class, Kindergarten EDCC students will be taken back to EDCC, after all other students have been picked up.
    • Grades 1 - 5 may walk back from the class, unless the parent notifies us that you would like our DPIE instructor to walk them back.