Summer Fireworks Sales Brings Needed Funds to Wells PFC

September 26, 2017

Pictured, left to right: DPIE Board Member, Sobia Qureshi; WMS Parent & Fireworks Volunteer, Damon Borelli; WMS PFC Co-Treasurer, Kristy Lijesen; DPIE Board Member and WMS PFC Co-Treasurer, Mary Miller; WMS PFC Co-President; Denise Cepeda; WMS Principal, Dr. Ean Ainsworth; WMS PFC Vice President, Francis Anaya; DPIE Board Member, Catheryn Grier; DPIE Board President, Katherine Utsumi; and WMS PFC Co-Secretary, Mary Washington.

On Wednesday, September 20th Dublin Partners in Education (DPIE) presented a check in the amount of $11,016.51 to the Wells Middle School Parent Faculty Club (PFC). The check represents Wells PFC’s proceeds from this summer’s Firework Sales partnership with DPIE and Dublin Rotary. It was a pleasure to present these funds to a very appreciative and enthusiastic group of Wells Roadrunners.

Overcoming Challenges as Partners for Education

In May, DPIE learned from DPIE Board Member and then Wells PFC Co-President, Mary Miller, the Wells PFC was seriously challenged in obtaining donations from their family community. With a lack of funding, their ability to support important programs for all the students at Wells Middle School was in jeopardy. DPIE traditionally partners with Dublin Rotary to run and staff two fireworks booths in Dublin. DPIE, with agreement from Dublin Rotary, reached out to Wells PFC and invited the organization to share in the responsibility of the two booths, therefore receiving a third of the profits.

Mary Miller Organized Shifts, Wells Parents Stepped Forward

Under the leadership of Mary Miller, the Wells PFC quickly accepted the invitation. Mary got to work networking and filling the numerous shifts required over the seven days fireworks are sold in Dublin. Although she had concerns about finding volunteers for all the shifts, parents stepped forward and got the job done. Mary enthusiastically photographed all the parent volunteers who worked on behalf of Wells PFC. The two booths, located at Hooter’s and Marshalls, were well attended by community members looking to purchase fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July.

Time Well Spent, Community & Fundraising Fulfillment

It’s not difficult to sell fireworks, because who doesn’t love a little pomp and circumstance on the 4th of July. But it does take time. From all the photos, it appears the Wells community thoroughly enjoyed volunteering while earning much needed funds for the PFC. The funds they received were earned by all their volunteers and we look forward to seeing how they will be used to benefit all the students at Wells Middle School. Go Roadrunners!

Fireworks Booth Gallery 2017